
What is Headache?

Pain in the head and it may be in the forehead, in the temples, back side of the head or top of the head is conventionally designated as headache. According to the character of the pain, the headache is described as stabbing, aching, nagging, throbbing, bursting, tearing, etc. There are many causes of headache right from lack of indigestion to sleep and it forms an important symptoms in a number of disease like influenza, measles, typhoid, dengue, encephalitis, malaria, meningitis, migraine, poliomyelitis; and other conditions like eye-strain; sun-stroke; cold moist weather; problem in teeth; nose or throat troubles; troubles of the stomach, liver, heart and kidney; rheumatism; toxaemia; as a menstrual symptom; etc. So, the headache is a broad term that encompasses many different things. ISH or The International Headache Society has grouped it in two category as Primary and secondary headache, depending on their causes.

Primary Headache:



The over activity of, or problem with structures in the head that are pain sensitive which causes the illness are stand for the primary headache. In this case the blood vessels, muscles and nerves of the head and neck, as well as chemical activity taking place inside the brain are included. The common type of headaches includes tensional headache, cluster headache and migraines.
Some other types of headaches are also sometimes considered to be primary headaches, although on circumstances they can be symptoms of other illness and therefore secondary in nature. These types of headache may be categorized as (i) direct physical stimuli like temperature, and external pressure, (ii) Physical exertion, (iii) scalp pain, and (iv) some other miscellaneous pain of the head.

Secondary Headache:

Sometimes the head pain comes as a symptom of other condition that stimulates the pain sensitive nerves of the head. This type of head pain is categorized as the secondary headache. A vast number of different conditions are there which can cause the secondary headache, such as brain tumour and some alcohol induced hangover. But not only these two, there have variety of different conditions that can cause secondary headaches, such as Blood clots, Brain freeze, Concussion, Dehydration, Glaucoma, Influenza, Carbon monoxide poisoning, Overuse of pain-killer medicine, Stroke and Panic attacks.

Signs and Symptoms of Headache:

Different patient feels different types of head pain in different condition. So the headache does not come with same signs and symptoms of every person suffering with head pain. There are many different types of head pain that can be experienced, which affects different areas of the head in different ways, with different intensities and different amounts of time. We may here write down some characteristic symptoms of some type of headache which are much prominent in nature.


Migraine is a common type of primary headache and it can last for any amount of time from a few hours to two or three days. This type of headache may cause a pulsating, throbbing pain that can occur on generally one side of the head but both sides affection is not very rare. In the case of migraine the aching can be accompanied by blurred vision, light headedness, nausea, vomiting and sensory disturbances.

Tension Headache:

Most common form of primary headache is the tension headache. Feeling like a tight band around the head, with a constant dull pain being felt on both sides of the head is the common symptoms. The pain may spread to the neck and normally begin slowly and increase gradually in the middle of the day. Tension headache can be either periodic or chronic. Periodic or episodic attacks are normally stay for few hours, but can last for several days. In chronic cases attacks may be continuous as they occur for 15 days or a month for a period of at least 3 months or more.

Rebound Headache:

Rebound Headache

Rebound Headache

Rebound headaches are most common type of secondary headache. This type of headache caused by excessive use of medication to treat headache symptoms, generally excessive painkiller used as self-medication call back this type of headache. This type of head pain begins early in the day and persists throughout the day. Rebound headaches can cause a number of symptoms, and the symptom of the pain is changeable day by day. With the pain of head they are may have neck pain, nose stuffiness, restlessness and insomnia.

Cluster headache:

It is an uncommon form of primary headache that affect rarely adults. This type of head pain strikes quickly, once or more time daily and at the same time each day and often without warning. Cluster headache usually last between 45 to 90 minutes and persist for the duration of the cluster period, normally four to ten weeks. The cluster headache is often severe and described as sharp or burning and is normally located around one eye. Sometimes the affected area becomes red with swelling of the eyelid.

Homeo magnet treatment of headache:

Magnetic Therapy in Headache

Magnetic Therapy in Headache

Some homoeopathic medicines we may name here to overcome the problem of headache, but it should be kept in mind that homoeopathic medicine is a symptomatic medication but not the diagnostic. So collecting up the proper symptom of the patient is quite necessary to select the proper medicine. There are different types of headache comes with different symptoms and signs, as a result different homoeopathic medicine may be useful for every individual. Ipecac, Belladonna, Antim- Crud, Aconite Nap, Euphrasia, Hypericum, Kali Phos, Natrum Mur, Gelsemium, Glonoine, Bryonia, Ignatia, PulsatillaRuta, Nus Vomica, Acid Phos, Sulphur and many remedies are used for the treatment of headache. Magnetic therapy with homeopathic medication may give the early and permanent solution of headache. The ceramic magnates should be applied to the head – North Pole to the right side and South Pole to the left side over the temples, in case the headache in the temporal region or the forehead. In case the pain is at the top of the head only the South Pole of the magnate should be applied on the top of the head. In case the pain is on the back side of the head or occiput, the south pole of the magnate would be placed on the occiput. It should be kept in mind that no strong magnate should ever be applied to the head. In addition some acupuncture point especially GB-8, St-8, GB-20 are be taken in consideration for application of magnets. Magnetised water should be taken regularly and other problem associated with the headache should be corrected by proper application of magnets.

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