Therapeutic Application of Magnets

In this page we are going to give a brief description about the techniques of Magnetic therapy i.e. therapeutic application of magnets in the case of some common diseases.

Magnets for Therapy

Magnets for Therapy

1) Abscess / boils:- General Application Method No. 1 if disease is in upper part of the body and General Application Method No. 5 if in lower part. Local Treatment with North Pole should be done on spot of eruption.
2) Acne :- General Application Method No. 1; Local Treatment with north pole and to drink Magnetised Water .
3) Anaemia :-General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water should be given .
4) Aphthae / Mouth Ulcer :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water will also help to cure the disorder of stomach.
5) Appendicitis (chronic) :- Local Treatment with south pole of a strong magnet two times a day.
6) Appetite, less :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water should be taken.

7) Arthritis :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5 alternately on alternate days or morning and evening. Time to be increased gradually up to 30 minutes in each sitting. Treatment should be continued for a long time. Magnetised Water is also helpful.
8) Asthma :- General Application Method No. 1. A pair of high power magnets should be applied under palms as therapeutic application of magnets for 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening. Crescent type ceramic magnet may be applied on throat for about 10 minutes twice daily to reduce cough, irritation, pain and other inconveniences of throat. Magnetised Water made by high power magnets should be drunk four times a day. Homeopathy medicine should be given as a combination treatment with Magnet therapy to get the better result.
9) Back Pain(backache) :- If the pain in horizontal position, North Pole on the right side and South Pole on the left side and if vertical North Pole on the upper portion and South Pole on the lower portion as local treatment.
10) Bladder affection :- North Pole on the right side and South Pole on the left side upon the bladder of the abdomen.
11) Blood Pressure (High) :- General Application Method No. 1, treatment may be given for five minutes. A pad of wet cloth may be applied to the lowest part of the spinal cord.
12) Blood Pressure (Low) :- General Application Method No. 1 treatment may be given for 15 to 20 minutes and a strong magnet may also be applied to the lower part of the spinal cord. Magnetised Water should be given four times a day.
13) Bronchitis and Broncho-pneumonia :- General Application Method No. 1; start with 5 minutes daily and time to increased gradually up to 15 minutes. Magnetised Water also is useful.
14) Cataract :- Ceramic Crescent-type magnets may be applied in both eyes. Or, South pole of a strong magnet may be applied under the right palm for 10 minutes and a low strength North Pole magnet on each eye for 5 minutes.
15) Cold in Head :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water two hourly.
16) Colic :- General Application Method No. 1and local treatment with South Pole . Magnetised Water also helpful.
17) Colitis :- Locally high power magnets may be applied on the point of trouble and Magnetised Water should be given.
18) Constipation :- General Application Method No. 2 and Magnetised Water must be given repeatedly.
19) Cough :- General Application Method No. 1 and small magnets may also be applied locally on the throat.
20) Convulsions and cramps :- General Application Method No. 1 or 5, if in hand method no.1, if in feet method no.5. If in all parts then no.1 and no.5 alternately.
21) Corn (feet) :- General Application Method No. 5 and North Pole Magnetised Water to intake.
22) Coryza :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment on nose by small magnets.
23) Cuts :- General Application Method No. 1 and5. Local treatment with North Pole on the affected area.

24) Dandruff :- General Application Method No. 1 and North Pole of small magnets may be applied on head.
25) Diabetes :- General Application Method No. 1; North Pole on the pancreas and South Pole behind it on the back. Magnetised Water also helpful.
26) Diarrhoea/Dysentery :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water 2 hourly. If there is pain local treatment to be done.
27) Dropsy :- General Application Method No. 1 or 5 depends on the upper or lower part of the body affected.
28) Dyspepsia :- General Application Method No. 1 and also local treatment. Magnetised Water should be given.
29) Ear Troubles (Earache/ boils/ deafness/ discharge/ inflammation) :- South Pole of a strong magnet to be applied as the<strong>therapeutic application of magnets</strong>  under right palm for 10 to 15 minutes and North Pole of a medium strength magnet near the affected ear.
30) Eczema ;- General Application Method No. 1 or 5.
31) Epilepsy :- General Application Method No. 1 and North Pole to the abdomen and South Pole to the back. Magnetised Water should be given.
32) Eye Troubles :- South Pole of a strong magnet should be applied under the right palm and North Pole of a low power magnet on each eye for five minutes in all kind of functional disorders.
33) Facial Paralysis :- Strong magnets maybe applied on the affected side of the face twice daily for 15 to 20 minutes each time and Magnetised Water should be given.
34) Fevers :- Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet and Magnetised Water should be given 2 Hourly.
35) Fistula :- General Application Method No. 5 and North Pole of a small magnet may be applied to the point of fistula if possible. Magnetised Water should be given.
36) Fissures :- General Application Method No. 5 and small magnets also to be use or tied on the fissures at night.
37) Flatulence :- General Application Method No. 1 and medium –powered magnets may be applied on the abdomen if pain in abdomen. Magnetised Water must be used.
38) Gall bladder stones :- General Application Method No. 1 and North Pole on liver region. Magnetised Water must to drink several times a day.
39) Giddiness :- General Application Method No. 1, and Magnetised Water to be given.
40) Goitre :- General Application Method No. 1, and medium powered magnets should also to be applied on the Goitre. Magnetised Water should be taken regularly.
41) Gout :- General Application Method No. 1 & 5 according to location or alternately in the morning and evening and treatment to be continued for a long time. Magnetised Water should be used.
42) Gums (Bleeding and receding) :- Low powered magnets may be applied on the affected teeth outside of the mouth.
43) Headache :- Careful use of Magnetic therapy give excellent result for management of headache: (a) if due to indigestion, General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water to drink. (b) If due to fevers, General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water tow hourly. (c) If due to ear trouble South Pole of a strong magnet to be applied under right palm for 10 to 15 minutes and North Pole of a medium strength magnet near the affected ear. (d) If due to Eye trouble South Pole of a strong magnet should be applied under the right palm and North Pole of a low power magnet on each eye for five minutes in all kind of functional disorders. (e) If due to mental strain or sorrow General Application Method No. 1 for 20 minutes & Magnetised Water. (f) If due to toxaemia of Jaundice General Application Method No. 1; due to Nephritis, General Application Method No. 5; due to Sinusitis small magnets on nose; due to Tonsillitis General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment on throat by crescent type magnets. (g) If due to injury local treatment on injured portion also needed for therapeutic application of magnets.

Magnetic Lumber Belt

Magnetic Lumber Belt

44) Heart trouble :- General Application Method No. 1, and a small magnet may also be applied near the troubled area for 3 to 6 minutes with expert’s observation.
45) Hepatitis :- General Application Method No. 1, and local treatment with South Pole . Magnetised Water also to be used.
46) Hernia :- General Application Method No. 1, local treatment with South Pole .
47) Hiccough :- General Application Method No. 1 and a strong magnet of North Pole on the abdomen and South Pole just opposite to it, behind the back. Magnetised Water should be taken.
48) Hydrocele :- General Application Method No. 5, and treatment locally by South Pole. Magnetised Water is must.
49) Hyperacidity :- General Application Method No. 1 & 2 and Magnetised Water.
50) Hysteria :- General Application Method No. 2, and North Pole above the uterus and South Pole below it.

51) Influenza :- General Application Method No. 1; Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet and Magnetised Water should be given 2 Hourly.
52) Injuries :- General Application Method No. 1 or 5 which is applicable according to location. Local treatment is better. Magnetised Water should be taken.
53) Insomnia :- General Application Method No. 5 in the evening; one small South Pole magnet on the centre of forehead at bed time 10 to 20 minutes.
54) Jaundice :- General Application Method No. 1, and Magnetised Water should be given.
55) Kidney or renal stone :- General Application Method No. 1, and local treatment is necessary. Magnetised Water frequently.
56) Leucoderma :- General Application Method No. 1 or 5 as per location; Local treatment with south pole.
57) Liver enlargement ;- General Application Method No. 1; a small South Pole magnet on the liver region and Magnetised Water should be given.
58) Locomotor Ataxia :- South Pole on the lower part and North Pole on the upper part of the spinal cord.
59) Lumbago :- General Application Method No. 5 one strong South Pole magnet may be applied on the painful area.
60) Malaria :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet and Magnetised Water should be given 2 Hourly.
61) Measles :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet.
62) Meningitis :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment on both sides of neck also.
63) Migraine :- General Application Method No. 1, low powered magnets over the both eyebrows.
64) Mumps :- General Application Method No. 1, local treatment with small magnets also twice a day for a few days.
65) Nephritis :- General Application Method No. 5, local treatments over kidneys and Magnetised Water frequently should be given.
66) Neuralgia / Neuritis :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment with South Pole. Magnetised Water.
67) Obesity /Fatness :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5. Magnetised Water .
68) Orchitis :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment with South Pole is helpful.
69) Osteo-arthritis :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5; Local treatment with strong magnets should be used for a long time.
70) Paralysis :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5 alternately on alternate days. If only on Right side of the whole body apply General Application Method No. 4 and if only on left side apply General Application Method No. 3. Time may be increase gradually from 10 to 30 minutes. Long time use of therapeutic application of magnetst is necessary. Magnetised Water should be given.
71) Piles /Haemorrhoids :- General Application Method No. 5 and the patient should be sited on a pair of strong magnets. Magnetised Water also to be used.
72) Pleurisy :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water , for a long time.
73) Pneumonia :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet and Magnetised Water should be given.
74) Poliomyelitis ;- General Application Method No. 5 and local treatment. North Pole on hip and South Pole under sole. If only on Right side of the whole body apply General Application Method No. 4 and if only on left side apply General Application Method No. 3. Time may be increase gradually from 10 to 30 minutes. Long time treatment is necessary. Magnetised Water should be given.
75) Pox (Small /Chicken) :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water two hourly.
76) Prostate enlargement : – General Application Method No. 5 and local treatment with South Pole for a long time. Magnetised Water is a must.
77) Pyorrhoea :- General Application Method No. 1 a Low powered magnets may be applied on the affected teeth outside of the mouth.
78) Rheumatism :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5. If only on Right side of the whole body apply General Application Method No. 4 and if only on left side apply General Application Method No. 3. Time may be increase gradually from 10 to 30 minutes. Long time treatment is necessary. Magnetised Water should be given.
79) Sciatica :- General Application Method No. 5 and local treatment on painful area.

80) Sexual Weakness of males :- General Application Method No. 5 and apply North Pole below the naval and South Pole above the male organ.
81) Sinusitis :- Apply crescent –type of magnets on both sides of nose and also on painful area.
82) Slipped disc :- North Pole on the upper part of the spinal cord where the pain starts and South Pole on the spot of severe pain on lumber rejoin.
83) Sneezing :- Apply crescent –type of magnets on both sides of nose.
84) Spermatorrhea :- General Application Method No. 5 and apply North Pole below the naval and South Pole above the male organ. Magnetised Water should be taken.
85) Spleen, enlargement of :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment with South Pole. Magnetised Water to be used.
86) Stomach Trouble, all related with :- General Application Method No. 2 and Magnetised Water must be given.
87) Stones (Gall bladder or Kidney) :- General Application Method No. 1 & 5. If in the gall bladder, method no. 1, if in the kidney, method no. 5. Magnetised Water must be given. North Pole to be applied on painful area.
88) Swelling of legs & feet :- General Application Method No. 5 and Magnetised Water for a long time.
89) Syphilis and Gonorrhoea :-General Application Method No. 5 and Magnetised Water should be used for a long time.
90) Tonsillitis / Pharyngitis :- General Application Method No. 1 and local treatment on throat.
91) Tuberculosis :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water.
92) Typhoid :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnets of medium power should be applied in the morning and evening under palms and feet and Magnetised Water should be given 2 Hourly.
93) Ulcer (Peptic/ Gastric / Duodenal) :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water every two hourly.
94) Urethritis (Meal or Female) :- General Application Method No. 5 and magnets may be applied on urethra as the main process of the  therapeutic application of magnets . Magnetised Water also useful.
95) Urinary Diseases :- General Application Method No. 5 and for stoppage or scanty urine give Magnetised Water in 5 minutes interval.
96) Urticaria :- General Application Method No. 1 and 5 ; Magnetised Water .
97) Veins (inflamed or varicose) :- General Application Method No. 1 or 5 according to location and also local treatment with medium power magnets.
98) Vomiting :- General Application Method No. 1 and Magnetised Water on every half an hour.
99) Worms :- General Application Method No. 2 and Magnetised Water should be given.
100) Wounds :- After dressing, South Pole magnets of medium power may be applied on wounds.